Meet The Fam

From Seoul to New York

In the heart of South Korea's humble countryside, a teenage carpenter set forth on a journey that would defy convention. Armed with nothing but determination, he embarked on a quest to unlock the ancient secrets of carpentry, including Japan's closely guarded Shoji style. This young carpenter would soon become the Indiana Jones of his craft, delving into hidden treasures and mastering age-old techniques. As his skills flourished, he ascended to the title of foreman at a mere 21, empowered to construct architectural marvels and luxurious interiors. His reputation soared, leading to prestigious projects that included crafting lavish residences for Korea’s elite and even overseeing the construction of the iconic 63 Building's opulent penthouse.

But his journey was far from over. In 1990, a new chapter beckoned, calling him to the United States, where Queens, New York became his new home. Over the next three decades, he would transform into a construction superhero, leading subcontractor teams with a superpower: laser-like precision that ensured every brick, board, and drywall found its place straight and level. It's a standard that most modern construction forgets even exists.

A Fresh Start in Miami

Despite a life-changing fall that could have turned him into a professional couch potato, our founder defied the odds with unwavering resilience. He dedicated a decade to rehabilitation, determined to reclaim his true passion.

A vibrant new chapter unfolded in sunny Miami, FL, where he, along with his family, decided to set up shop. With his son and daughter-in-law leading the design studio, they dared to turn their dreams into reality, and no, it wasn't just because they wanted an excuse to wear chancletas all year round. Casa Oh isn't just a company; it's a family's story of redemption, tenacity, and a lifelong quest for purpose.